How to Purchase a Lot in the Northside Business Park
Purchasing business lots in the Northside Business Park involves six steps.
Step 1: Find a Northside Business Park lot to purchase
The Northside Business Park offers favourable zoning, fully serviced lots, proximity to other businesses and close proximity to the Marine Atlantic ferry terminal and the Trans-Canada Highway. Businesses located in the park have access to the local market of Nova Scotia’s second-largest urban area and the regional market via the Marine Atlantic Ferry, JA McCurdy Airport, and various ports including North Sydney and Sydney.
View lot availability and pricing
Step 2: Read the terms and conditions for purchasing municipally owned business park lots
You can read and print the terms and conditions summary here. These terms and conditions only apply to lots purchased from the Cape Breton Regional Municipality in the Northside Business Park. These terms and conditions are part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement and the Buyback and Right of First Refusal agreement when you purchase a lot from the CBRM.
Step 3: Contact the CBRM’s Economic and Business Development Officers (EDOs)
The CBRM’s Economic Development Officers (EDO) are employed through the Cape Breton Partnership. An EDO will assist you to ensure your application is complete, explain any details to you, and connect you to other services that may assist you in your business and investment needs.
Contact information for the CBRM’s Economic Development Officers:
- Cape Breton Partnership
285 Alexandra Street
Sydney, Nova Scotia
B1S 2E8 - PHONE: (902) 562-0122
- Email:
- Web Form:
Step 4: Fill out an application form and submit it to us with a 10% down deposit
You must fill out the application form and submit to the CBRM Regional Enterprise Network, with down payment, in person. Lots are only reserved for parties who have submitted both a completed application form and a 10% down payment.
Applications must be made in-person, and accompanied by a CBRM Economic Development Officer (EDO). Here are the steps required to complete and submit an application:
- Complete Application Form
Print application form and fill out by hand, or fill PDF electronically and print, and attach all mandatory information.
- Contact the CBRM Economic Development Officers
The CBRM’s Economic Development Officers (EDOs) are employed through the Cape Breton Partnership. If you have not contacted an EDO already, you must do so at this step to ensure your application is complete, and you are fully aware of the additional business services and supports the CBRM and the Cape Breton Partnership can offer.
- Prepare a Certified Cheque
A certified cheque, payable to the Cape Breton Regional Municipality in the amount of 10% of the lot purchase price, must accompany your application.
- Submit your Application
The CBRM’s EDO will accompany you as you submit your form, certified cheque, and all attachments in person at the Sydney Citizen Service Center in the 1st floor foyer, Room 101, 320 Esplanade, Sydney, NS. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Monday through Friday (except Statutory Holidays).
Step 5: Read and sign the Purchase and Sale Agreement and Buyback and Right of First Refusal Agreement
Read the standard agreement of purchase and sale and our standard buyback and right of first refusal agreement. A Purchase and Sale Agreement and a Buyback and Right of First Refusal Agreement will be drafted that is specific to your lot purchase. You will be assisted in picking a date on which the purchase will be completed. This date will be put in the agreements and is called the closing date. You can then review the agreements with your legal counsel, sign them, and return them to the CBRM office. During this time, the noted land you have selected will not be sold to anyone else.
Optional Step 5a: Early Access
If you require early access/possession of the lot you wish to purchase, in order to get started site preparation activities normally permitted prior to all required permits being obtained, this can be arranged. In this instance, the CBRM can help craft an early access letter to allow you to do just that.
Step 6: Complete the purchase
You can now purchase the lot. On the closing date, you must pay the balance of the lot purchase price. When the purchase is complete, the lot will be under your ownership.
Ready to View Current Lot Opportunities?
Click here to view the current lot opportunities in the Northside Business Park.
Additional Business & Development Resources
- CBRM Building and Development Permits
- CBRM Municipal Planning & Land Use By-laws
- CBRM Land Use Bylaw/Zoning Maps
- Cape Breton Job Board
Is there help for my business to expand in the CBRM?
Yes, we’re excited to help you. Please contact one of the CBRM’s Economic or Business Development Officers, or browse our web resources for more information.
- CBRM Economic Development Officers:
- PHONE: (902) 562-7182
- Email:
- Web Form:
How do I apply for development and building permits?
The CBRM is committed to a simple and clear Building, Development, and Subdivision Application process. On the Building and Development Application webpage, you will find:
- a more streamlined computer application program;
- Printable application forms, schedules and instructions on how to complete them;
- A simplified fee schedule, including flat fees for many types of projects; and
- Links to the most up-to-date versions of the Land Use Bylaw, Zoning documents, and mapping.
Need more information, assistance, or support? The Cape Breton Partnership works on behalf of all Municipalities and First Nations in Cape Breton – Unama’ki and can connect you to the tools or information you need. Contact us today or explore our database of business supports at
Click here to submit an addition/edit to this pageLast Modified: October 5, 2022