Invest in Cape Breton Podcast
Unama’ki – Cape Breton is on the cusp of an economic renaissance. Invest in Cape Breton is a podcast that will challenge your assumptions about the Island’s economy through in-depth interviews with local changemakers. We go beyond the headlines to reveal the untapped potential for investors and entrepreneurs, and offer a preview of the Island’s coming transformation.
Right from the first episode, we’ll show you why there’s never been a better time to invest in Cape Breton.
This podcast is an initiative of the Cape Breton Partnership. It is hosted by Michelle Samson and produced locally in Unama’ki – Cape Breton by Storied Places Media. The podcast’s intro music has been made possible with permission from Unama’ki – Cape Breton singer-songwriter Elyse Aeryn.
Introducing: Invest in Cape Breton (Trailer)
Episode 1: Innovation Thrives on This Picturesque Island
There are over 50 tech companies on Unama’ki – Cape Breton, an island of just 140,000 people. Many are in the bustling urban area around Sydney, but a surprising number are in small, picturesque communities. Others live in the cloud, able to be located anywhere, but the founders are here. Three tech leaders explain why this innovation ecosystem is so productive, and so sticky. This episode has been made possible by the Cape Breton – Strait Team of the MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program.
Episode 2: An Enormous Opportunity Is About To Transform Sydney Harbour
For many, Sydney Harbour is known for its hotels, cruise ships, and a giant fiddle. But that only blows over the surface of this waterbody that’s 16-and-a-half metres deep. There are more cruise passengers, more commercial traffic, more ambitious plans, and more opportunities here than anyone would fathom. In this episode, three local leaders reveal what’s happening at the Port of Sydney today, why Sydney Harbour is a tremendously strategic site for investors, and why Novaporte’s forthcoming offshore wind marshalling port is an opportunity “so enormous it’s hard to even imagine”. First Nations and settler communities across Unama’ki-Cape Breton are set to be transformed. This episode has been made possible by the Cape Breton Regional Municipality Regional Enterprise Network (CBRM REN).
Episode 3: Strong Winds Driving Growth to the Strait of Canso
Unama’ki-Cape Breton has always been windy, but something has shifted in the last couple years. Now the same wind that blows our patio furniture away is being called ‘world class’ and ‘a nation-building opportunity’. Government and corporate leaders are optimistic that the offshore wind and green energy projects already underway in the Strait of Canso are going to be transformative not just for the Strait Area, not just for Unama’ki-Cape Breton, and not just the province of Nova Scotia. This is going to be as big as the railway. This episode has been made possible by Bear Head Energy.
Episode 4: How To Build More Housing in Cape Breton
Canada’s housing crisis is dominating the news, but we rarely hear about the work happening behind the scenes to fix it. There are housing advocates, developers, and politicians right here in Unama’ki – Cape Breton who are making tangible progress towards solutions. In the just-dropped fourth episode of Invest in Cape Breton, we cover the current state of Cape Breton’s housing market, what two developers are doing to address the crisis, and what they think local governments and stakeholders can do to facilitate more housing development. This episode has been made possible by the Construction Association of Nova Scotia and Doucet Developments.
Episode 5: How To Access the Island’s Hidden Workforce
There is a myth in Unama’ki – Cape Breton that the Island has a talent shortage. In this episode, we explore how IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility) principles can help businesses overcome recruitment challenges by welcoming members of underrepresented communities. This conversation with Robyn Lee Seale from Build Nova Scotia and Nadine Bernard of Indigivisor covers the importance of building relationships, common mistakes, and the vital role of psychological safety. This episode has been made possible by the Cape Breton Partnership, Cape Breton Regional Enterprise Network, and Cape Breton Regional Municipality Regional Enterprise Network.
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