Sarah and Rodrigo

“If you’re looking for quality of life, tranquility and a chance to experience new things, Cape Breton is a great option,” says Sarah.

When you’re used to the big cities of Brazil, it can be quite an adjustment to settle in Cape Breton. That is, unless you take a look at your potential new home on Google Street View, and think of moving here as an adventure! That’s exactly what Sarah Mazziotti and her husband Rodrigo Moreira did.

Their initial plan was to stay in Cape Breton for about six months and then transfer to Halifax where Rodrigo could continue his welding course. However, this island had other ideas. After interning here, Rodrigo was offered a job and Sarah found work as well. The tranquil atmosphere of Sydney, the affordability, the quality of life and the spectacular Cape Breton summer convinced them to stay.  

Still, adjusting to their new home took some time. One of the things they noticed was how restricted access to public transportation in Sydney was, particularly on Sundays. They also had to get used to the early closing of some businesses. What also surprised the couple was the interest people had in helping them. “The sense of community, and the positive support we received is really impressive,” says Sarah. The couple are also very grateful for the support they from the teams at the YMCA Nova Scotia Works and the Cape Breton Island Centre for Immigration. Through the Centre, Sarah was able to access free English classes and find the Cape Breton Regional Library’s conversation group. The Centre also helped when the couple needed extensions to their visas, while the Cape Breton Partnership offered guidance when the couple was applying for their permanent residency. 

Leaving hour-long traffic commutes in the past contributes to the quality of life they now enjoy.  “I’ll never get tired of the landscape and the beaches we have here,” says Sarah. “Coming from a tropical country, I never thought we would have sun and heat here in Canada.” Although Sarah admits, the water is pretty cold! She also enjoys the culture Cape Breton has to offer, and feels privileged to live here.

“If you’re looking for quality of life, tranquility and a chance to experience new things, Cape Breton is a great option,” says Sarah.

We are so glad it’s an option they felt was right for them!

In February 2022, Sarah shared their story on CBC Cape Breton’s Information Morning. Click here to listen!

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